Thursday, April 11, 2013

Having a little fun

At the Manhattan Design Boutique we are learning all about Fashion and how to draw and how to sew.  But what happens when you get a room full of Fashionistas together?  Well, the answer might surprise you.  Here are a couple of little videos that show another side to our amazing Fashionistas.

Miss Lisa

There's so much sewing going on right now!!  The Big Fashion Shoot is just next week!  Sleeves are being hemmed.  Pant legs are trimmed.  And all those zippers . . . . What we could sure use at this very moment are some Sewing Fairies!  Maybe we should ask Miss Lisa . . . .

Monday, April 8, 2013

Getting Ready

We’re all getting ready for our Big Show in a couple weeks.  Designs are taking shape.  Excitement is starting to build.  But when you see how much we have all changed in just a short year, you gotta feel really proud.   

The Designs are more complex and ambitious.  Techniques are more expert.  Tasks we wouldn’t have dreamed of accomplishing are now part of our personal tool chest.  

But best of all, we’re making friendships that will last a life time.